Guidance Notes for People Using Lache Gym
This is your Member Pack
Gym Membership Terms and Conditions
We ask that all members enjoy and respect the facilities. The conditions laid out in this member pack are to ensure that everyone does so in a safe and secure manner If you have any questions or concerns please contact:
Acknowledgement of Risks, Injuries and Obligations
Members acknowledge that the activity they undertake is a dangerous activity and that by participating in it they understand that they are exposed to certain risks.
Release and Indemnity
Members participate in the activity at their sole risk. Members release, indemnify and hold harmless Chester Heart Support Group, its servants and agents, from and against all and any actions or claims which may be made by them or on their behalf by other parties for or in respect of, or arising out of any injury, loss or damage or death caused to them or their property whether by negligence, breach of contract or in any way whatsoever.
Accidents, First Aid and Health
Members must have completed their induction before using the equipment. The induction will be carried out by a gym supervisor. In the event of an accident the appointed person is the gym supervisor who will follow the emergency procedure. There is a defibrillator available at the Lache Surgery which is in the Community Centre building and a first aid kit in the gym. Accidents should be reported in the accident book located in the gym.
Dial 999 and leave by the nearest exit route which is clearly marked in the gym.
Administration and Use
Applicants must complete a gym membership/induction form.
Applicants must provide either a referral from Cardiac Rehabilitation or a letter from their GP stating that they are able to exercise or complete a Self Declaration.
Members should be aware that the gym is run on an entirely non clinical basis and that there is no medical supervision or assessment procedure.
Members must undergo Induction Training for safe use of the gym equipment. A designated gym supervisor must carry out this training.
Only members are allowed to use the gym. Friends and family may join if they are members of Chester Heart Support Group. Spectators are not allowed in the gym. Members must be aged 18 or over.
Members should be appropriately dressed (normally a t shirt or vest with shorts or tracksuit bottoms). Training shoes must be worn.
All equipment must be used in the correct manner for which it was designed and each user must give due regard to their own health and safety and that of other users.
All equipment, especially free weights, must be returned to the starting position at the end of the training session.
Chester Heart Support Group makes every effort to ensure that the equipment is maintained in good condition. Any faults should be reported immediately to a gym supervisor. The fault should be recorded in the gym equipment book.
Members should behave responsibly. Unreasonable behaviour includes swearing, inappropriate remarks or gestures.
We recommend that you stay hydrated whilst in the gym. Tap water is available. Alternatively please bring your own drink
Food should not be taken into the gym
As a courtesy to other users, please take a towel and wipe down equipment after use
There is no facility to store personal belongings other than the wash room. As there are no lockers, any valuables are left at members’ own risk.
There are separate ladies’ and men’s washing facilities available but please be aware there are no shower facilities.
There are no private changing facilities inside the washroom, other than the toilet cubicle.
It is not permitted to use the gym against medical advice, or when feeling unwell because of a bad cold or fever.