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 Membership Application Form 



Applicants Details

this will be your login email

I agree that my email & home address maybe used by our computer system, to send the monthly Newsletter



General Data Protection Regulation

The above is a legal requirement for any business, club or organisation that holds personal details which we MUST comply with. Due to this law we now have to get CONSENT from all existing and new members to access this personal information. This consent cannot be taken over the phone or by email but must be written consent and held by our membership secretary. 


We use your personal details in many ways throughout the group, not just for newsletters. We do not give your details to any third party except for claiming Gift Aid for which we already have your consent. 


Might we suggest that you say YES to all options so that we are both covered in the event of your joining any groups at a later date. 


Failure to complete this form means you will not be able to join Chester Heart Support Group nor attend any of our activities or meetings until you do so.


Privacy Policy

  • The personal information you supply to us when becoming a member of Chester Heart Support Group will be treated securely and responsibly.

  • The information is help primarily by our Membership Secretary in a spreadsheet.

  • We will only give access to those other members responsible for various areas or activities that you have given permission to.

  • We do not share your details of anyone external to CHSG with the exception of annual Gift Aid application if you have signed up for this.

  • You have many rights regarding your personal data including seeing what data we hold and updating your information and when updated your personal information will continue to be treated it in the same way.                                

Yes All

No All

Yes                 No        Membership database & Newsletter                          

Yes                 No        Email address                                                            

Yes                 No        Records by the Welfare Group   

Yes                 No        In case of emergency forms                                    

Yes                 No        Records kept by Exercise classes                                            

Yes                 No        Records kept by Golf group   

Yes                 No        Photographs

Yes                 No        Records kept by Walking Group

Yes                 No        Records kept by Gym

Yes                 No        Records kept   by Bowls group

Yes                 No        Records kept by Strength& Balance           

Yes                 No        Records kept by Tai Chi

Yes                 No        I agree to the Group getting in touch with me if and when necessary by any of the means of                                      contact details I have supplied to them                          


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 Signature of new member 


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