Lache Gym Operational Guidlines
v0.6 issued
Chester Heart Support Group (CHSG) is a Registered Charity - No. 1123789 and exists to benefit cardiac patients, their families, friends and carers.
In the course of its operation it has collected and continues to collect information about its members. Primarily this information is for the purpose of communication of activities events and welfare functions and is of the nature of personal contact details and in some cases, medical details. It is therefore clearly incumbent upon CHSG to have systems in place which ensure the security of data which would identify members to those who have no reasonable right to such information.
Lache Community Centre
1. Introduction
Chester Heart Support Group (CHSG) exists to benefit cardiac patients, their families, friends and carers. One of our aims is to provide social, physical (exercise) and rehabilitation programmes for our members, and where appropriate, initiate such programmes.
The Lache Gym project was successfully initiated following receipt of funding from:
Marks & Spencer
British Heart Foundation
Lache Community Centre
The aim of the project is to provide affordable gym facilities for the benefit of our members. The gym is run entirely in a non clinical capacity by ‘expert patient’ volunteers who have personal experience of a cardiac event. We employ a BACR level 4 trainer on a weekly basis to provide additional support.
2. Finance
Please refer to the business plan (appendix 1) for a five year projection of costs.
3. Management
All financial decisions relating to the gym will be made by the CHSG committee. The gym will be managed day to day by a team of volunteers.
4. Membership
The gym is available to any member of the Chester Heart Support Group. Membership of the gym is included in the annual subscription fee for the group. There is a fee of £2.00 per gym session payable at the door. Members will be required to complete a gym membership/induction form and undergo an induction to the facility. As the gym is run on an entirely non clinical basis, there will be no medical assessment. However, the member will need to provide either a referral from Cardiac Rehabilitation or a letter from their GP stating that they are able to exercise or complete a Self Declaration.
Members will be given a member’s pack which includes:
An acknowledgement of risks, injury and obligation
Release and indemnity
Administration and use of gym information
Members will be asked to sign to agree that they comply with the rules listed in the member’s pack. Please refer to appendix 2 for the member pack.
5. Induction
New members of the gym will be required to undertake an induction with a gym supervisor who is an ‘expert patient’. This will consist of instructions on how to use the equipment, plus a health and safety briefing. Please see appendix 3 for a copy of the membership/induction form.
6. Gym Roles & Responsibilities
6.1. Volunteer Gym Supervisor
The supervisor will be responsible for switching on the equipment at the start of the session and, where required, demonstrating correct use of the equipment. Each volunteer supervisor will receive training on first aid (optional), manual handling (optional), safeguarding, health & safety and on use of the equipment prior to commencement of the role. Please refer to appendix 4 for CHSG’s Volunteer Policy.
6.2. BACR Level 4 Trainer
The BACR Level 4 trainer will be responsible for:
Gym induction for new members
Training the new volunteer gym supervisors in use of the equipment
This is a paid role and the trainer will be available approximately once a week in an advisory capacity.
The trainer will hold a valid BACR level 4 certificate and will hold personal indemnity insurance.
7. Insurance
CHSG has public liability insurance for £2m which is provided by British Heart Foundation. Please see appendix 5 for a summary of cover.
8. Emergency Procedure
In the event of a medical emergency, the gym supervisor will follow the emergency procedure detailed in appendix 6 and will dial 999 if appropriate. All incidents will be reported to the CHSG committee by the gym supervisor.
In the event of a fire, the gym supervisor will follow the fire safety instructions displayed on the wall of the gym. There is a fire bell in the gym and muster stations are clearly marked. There is a fire extinguisher available in the gym.
9. Accidents
Accidents will be logged in the gym accident book and reported by the gym supervisor to the CHSG management committee. There will be a first aid kit available in the gym.
10. Risk Assessment
A risk assessment of the gym will take place annually. Please refer to appendix 6 for a copy of the document.
11. Data Protection
Members will be asked to complete a membership application. This data will be held securely in a locked cabinet which is held on the premises. Data may also be held on computer and records will be password protected. Please refer to appendix 7 for CHSG’s Data Protection policy.
12. Safeguarding
CHSG understands the importance of Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults. Please refer to appendix 8 for a copy of the policy.
13. Equality & Diversity
Please refer to appendix 9 for a copy of the policy
14. Privacy & Dignity
CHSG recognises the importance of privacy and dignity to its members. There are separate changing and bathroom facilities for ladies and gentlemen which are clearly indicated.
15. Cleaning
Cleaning of the gym and bathroom facility is included in the rental fee for the room by Lache Community Centre. Cleaning of the equipment is the responsibility of CHSG. The gym supervisor will ensure that equipment is wiped down at the end of each session. Cleaning equipment and supplies will be provided by CHSG for this purpose. Members are encouraged to bring a towel to wipe down the equipment after use. Full details are in the service level agreement appendix 10.
16. Opening and Closing Responsibilities
The Lache Community building will be opened at closed by the caretaker or another member of staff at the community centre. Apart from access for cleaning, the gym will remain locked until the gym supervisor is on site.
17. Maximum Numbers
The maximum recommended number of concurrent users of the gym is ten.
18. Drinking Water
All water in the community centre is suitable for drinking.
19. Attendance
Members will be asked to sign in each time they attend the gym. Records will be kept according to CHSG’s Data Protection policy.
List of Appendices
Lache Gym Business Plan
Lache Gym Member Pack
Lache Gym Membership /Induction Form
CHSG Volunteer Policy
CHSG Summary of Insurance Cover
Lache Gym Risk Assessment
CHSG Data Protection Policy
CHSG Safeguarding Policy
CHSG Equality & Diversity Policy
Cheshire West & Chester /CHSG Service Level
Agreement for Lache Gym